Alexandru Cristiean

Ciurea commune

Ciurea is situated South of Iași, being one of the county's largest communes·.

The Ciurea commune is the namesake of the Ciurea village which it subsumes (synecdoche?·). This leads to ambiguity when one says "I live in Ciurea". To increase ambiguity, both the Ciurea commune hall and the Ciurea village hall are in the Ciurea village.

Population: 12604 in 2012.

Component villages

Racism towards the Rroma

Ciurea has a noticeable community of 6,1% Romani· ethnics living in Zanea.

The association of Ciurea with the gipsy community leads to stigma among the residents. This speaks more about the attitude of Romanians towards the Rroma in general.

I believe that Romanians are extremely racist towards the Rroma. In my experience assertions like "All gipsies should be killed" were not frowned upon.

Please email me to discuss more about this or if you have any ideas of improving the situation or think this is not a problem in the first place.

¹·, ²·, ³·, ⁴·, ⁵·, ⁶·

More about Ciurea


Last updated on 15 September 2024, 22:14